Fresh off the saw and ready to test! |
One thing I seem to have a great supply of is lumber so at least I knew what I would be making it from. Now the tricky bit of what the heck was I going to make? I started searching around on YouTube, as I tend to do, and found that Backyard Bowyer had made almost exactly what I needed, except using heated PVC. While I did have some extra PVC pipe sitting unused I didn't have a heat gun to warm it or shape it properly.
Okay, now I had a general idea of what I was going to make and what I was going to make it from. Two out of three is a solid start and all I needed now was some sort of pattern. Easy enough since I almost always have some paper within arms reach of my desk chair. Before long I had whipped up a sketch that I felt would do the trick! So I glued it to some plywood and fired up the old scroll saw. I do mean old too, I had to shove down on the arm to get it running but it still did the job!
A quick test with the plywood prototype showed me that I was pleased with the design and I then copied it onto a piece of ¾ inch plank board I had in the scrap wood pile. After cutting the thicker release and rounding the edges, the new version shot quite well and I am still impressed with how well it has performed. It does feel a little odd at first though, I’ll be honest.
I've seen similar devices cut from assorted metals that look pretty amazing but the prices have been a little crazy if you ask me. Some have even been well over $100! Since so many folks have asked for it over the years I have finally posted a downloadable PDF with a quick pattern to make a wooden archery release at home! It only costs a buck and helps support us in our effort to fund Clean Valley Farms. You can check that out on by clicking here.
This little project is quite simple and can easily be done in a single afternoon. Why not give it a try? Want to watch the video where I did all of this? You can check that out on YouTube by clicking here!
-JT Bear